Sunday, April 18, 2010

Squat and Lunge Your Way To A Toned Rear

Two moves I'm working on this week are lunges and squats. So, this week I am adding in Lunges and Squats. Here are a few tips to making sure that both are done in the proper form.


Lunges can be done to the side or to the front. When doing lunges make sure that you are standing straight with your abs pulled in toward your spine. Maintain this form even when lunging. When stepping out for the lunge, make sure that you step far enough outward so that:
*You have plenty of room to actually lunge downward
*Your knee doesn't touch the floor
*When you lunge, your knee does not extend farther than your toes. (Click here for a photo of an INCORRECT lunge. Notice how her knee extends much further than her toes.)


Squats only work if they are done correctly. Start standing straight, feet shoulder width apart and your ab muscles tight. When lowering into the squat remember a few key points:
*Don't let your knees extend past your toes
*Stick your butt out. This helps to make sure your knees don't go out too far.
*Keep your back straight and your abs tight.
You can cross your arms over your chest or you can stick them straight out in front of you. I find that holding my arms out helps me to balance.

Are you having trouble keeping your knees from extending too far? Here is a trick I learned from a personal trainer. Stand in front of a low stool, chair, weight bench, and then pull something in front of you (this could be a chair, box, or even the wall), directly in front of your toes. When you squat, if your knees attempt go out too far, they will bump the block in front of you and will not be able to go too far. If you hit the block and you haven't squatted very far, stick your butt out farther. (Click here for a photo of a CORRECTLY done squat) This might throw off your balance the first few times, but that is why there is a chair or stool behind you. Eventually, you won't need the block or the chair!

Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Photo can be found here.

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